Chase Harmony
Coming Soon...
Recreating a mutually beneficial relationship between humanity and nature by fostering conscious eating and expanding sustainable farming
Chase Harmony emphasizes uplifting Black people, as well as other historically underserved communities, by raising conscious eating, access to fresh foods and awareness of local land stewardship priorities.
Serving the Raleigh, North Carolina area, Chase Harmony will be a family-based agribusiness that also provides a community space for learning, growing, and connecting through agriculture. Chase Harmony’s “Know, See, & Do '' values will bring practicality to the often lectured topics of health and wellness. Chase Harmony will allow people to know the source of the produce that they are consuming, see the process of producing organic foods, and have a chance to do so by engaging in the growing process themselves. We strive to show people how to incorporate agricultural practices in their home spaces (no matter how big or small).
Cultural Diversity
Although the U.S. population is diverse, the U.S. diet is heavily influenced by European standards. Traditional foods from cultures of color (Africans, indigenous American, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian, etc.) are often inaccessible in local markets. Chase Harmony’s forthcoming location will prioritize growing produce that is fundamental to subcultural groups’ traditional diets.
Education & Service
Food disparities in Black and Brown communities are a real issue. Communities of color have been plagued with these issues for so long that we many of us have learned to favor over-processed, nutrient deficient foods over fresh food. Chase Harmony will offer outreach programs that combat food injustices through education and service. These programs will offer:
Effort #1
Educational opportunities for Balck and brown unlearn unhealthy cooking methods, many of which were developed as a matter of survival during the oppression of enslavement and displacement
Effort #2
Hands-on engagement in a diverse range of permaculture farming methods for urban and rural settings targeting youth and young parents.
Effort #3
Fresh produce (food box) deliveries to local communities in food deserts with limited access to affordable and nutritious foods.